The most inspiring lashing journeys

This March, we have launched a big promotion to celebrate the International Women’s Day. Along with that, we ran a mini game on Instagram for lash artists to share their lashing journeys to win a $500 voucher and $500 valued after bag from us. And here are their stories.

Inspiring lashing journeys

lashes _by_kealey

I’m posting something different today. I want to tell my story on how I started the wonderful journey of lashing. Being a single mom has had its ups and downs financially. With that I have worked hard to make sure I work a job that leaves me available for the most important person in my life. My little hype girl. Through different jobs she has always been such a bright smile that brought me to this path in lashing. With myself in full time nursing school at 26 years old. I needed a job I could be flexible with. A job I know I look forward to each day. This is when I saw the opportunity to become a lash artist.

I used the last few extra spendable savings I had and took the leap into what has seriously been the best opportunity and most appreciated job I’ve had. I’ve always enjoyed helping others feel confident in themselves and even something so simple as a great new set of lashes can really change the result of each day. Every new client and OG brings me such happiness in seeing y’all love your lashes and referring to your friends. I couldn’t ask for better clients! I am so grateful for what being a lash artist has brought and the small community of girls that share their skills together in support of each lash tech is inspiring. I’m so grateful for my clients and I care about each one of you! Thank you for choosing me as your lash artist 🖤🖤 #llbalashingjourney

Inspiring lashing journeys


Happy International Women’s Day!!!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a big feminist. I’m all about women supporting women, lifting each other up, empowering one another. And the fact that women can literally do anything. I owe a lot of that mindset to my own mom who showed me it was possible. She showed me we can do anything, be anything and accomplish everything regardless of our gender.

I had never felt so empowered as a woman until I had my own daughter in 2017, and I was able to start implementing that same mindset to her. Letting her know that she can do whatever the heck she wants as a girl. Stay at home mom, working mom. I’ve done both, and I do both. Neither one of them is harder, or easier. Neither one of them is better. I decided to start my own business after I had my daughter, and that business started with eyelash extensions. I wanted to be able to work from home and be close to her if she needed me. The business now has only grown, and expanded into other services as well. But I’m always grateful for taking that leap into starting lashes. I’m grateful to be able to show my daughter that even as a mother, you can accomplish what you want, and you can reach your goals.

There’s been hurdles along the way, whether it’s as a mother making sacrifices I don’t want to make, or people not allowing me the same opportunities simply because I am a mother. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I know in the end I’ve shown my daughter the same sort of strengths and determination that my mother showed me growing up.

And that’s the reason I started my lashing journey. 🤍 #llbalashingjourney

Inspiring lashing journeys


[L’histoire de Marina&Co]

En 2020, l’épidémie touchant le monde entier vient remettre la vie de chacun en question. Enfermée jour après jour, m’empêchant donc de travailler pendant plusieurs mois en tant que commerciale en salle de sport, je décide de réfléchir à mon avenir.

Qu’est ce qui me plaît ? Qu’est ce qui me rend heureuse ? Qu’est ce que je veux faire de ma vie ? De mon futur ? Et la réponse me vient très vite.

Passionnée depuis mon plus jeune âge par la beauté, je décide de me former très rapidement en extensions de cils, et lors de ma formation, je me suis rendue compte que c’était ma voie, celle qu’il fallait que je suive.

L’épidémie a frappé une deuxième fois, et j’ai cette fois-ci perdu mon travail. Remise en question totale… qu’est ce que j’allais faire ?

J’ai eu peur, très peur, j’ai eu des doutes, je me suis demandée plus d’une fois si je serai capable de me lancer, d’ouvrir mon entreprise, d’être indépendante en totalité dans tous les domaines de ma vie. Mais j’ai pris le risque et aujourd’hui c’est la plus belle décision que j’ai pu prendre.

Les débuts ont été très durs, je m'entraîne sur mes proches, mes amies, ma famille, et au fur et mesure le bouche à oreilles a mis la machine en route.

C’est parfois dur, mais il ne faut jamais oublier pourquoi on a commencé, et le but final qu’on veut atteindre.

{suite en commentaires}

De très belles choses arrivent…. (Be Ready)
