How to get faster at applying lash extensions?
Applying eyelashes extensions in layers
When starting out as a lash artist, some of the common growing pains are that the sets are taking too long. Sometimes a volume set can take up to four hours! This is normal so don’t freak out! With enough time and practice, eventually, your sets will start moving faster and you won’t feel as stressed out trying to complete your sets.
One useful tip that lash artists do during their appointment to help speed up their process is lashing in layers. This step refers to pulling the natural lashes back or pulling them upwards to expose one layer of natural lashes at a time. This step also reveals the ones that haven’t been lashed. Lashing in layers can be quite intimidating, especially for a beginner lash artist. But this step does help you gain a better view of the lashes that have not been lashed as well as covering close to 100% of the natural lashes.
Lashing in layers:
- You can use tape (sensitive tape) or a gel pad to pull the lashes back or upwards
- Use your tweezer to pull out the natural lashes one layer at a time and lash that layer first
- Place lash under, to the side, or on top of the natural lash (depending on lash growth)
- Use the gel pad or tape to pull the layer you just lashed upwards so you can get the next layer of lashes
Practice will be the key to becoming a faster lash tech
As you start to take on more clients, you’ll gain experience and comfortability and you’ll find that your lash sets are going by quicker. YAY! If you are lashing part-time and feel as if you don’t have the clientele to help your lashing speed, ask some family members if they can be your mannequin. Or, if you have a mannequin, use that until your clientele starts to pick up. Try using every available moment to practice and gain technique until you are able to put those skills to use on a real client.
Save your time with LLBA promade eyelashes extensions
Making volume fans can be very time-consuming especially as a beginner lash tech. It can be discouraging as well when you are trying to make fans and they just aren’t fanning out the way you want or they keep falling apart. One of the greatest inventions in the lash industry are promade fans. These are volume fans that are already pre-made and ready to use which will cut down your lashing time significantly.
LLBA Professional has such a wide range of promade fans which include: different curls (C, CC, D, DD, L, M), colors, diameters, lengths, type (loose, XL trays, 3-in-1), and styles (narrow, camellias, wispy). A lot of lash artists use promade fans for a variety of different reasons but in the end, whatever reason you choose, is solely for you and you only. No one can tell you that you are less of a lash artist just because you use promade fans. Work smarter, not harder.

Some tricks to get faster at applying eyelash extensions

- Get feedback from experienced lash artists. Take pictures of the sets you have gotten done and contact your lash trainer, and ask them for feedback. This will help you improve the quality of your work.

- Join our Facebook lash artists community and ask for help. Let us know what you struggle with and our community will do its best to give you advice.
- Practice every day: As mentioned earlier in the article, take some time to practice either isolation or application every day. This can be done on a mannequin or a sponge. It doesn’t always need to be on a person, since we know it isn’t always easy to find people who want to get their lashes done or who have free time.
- Follow lash suppliers on social media: Lash brands often post free educational tips, and help lash artists to do better! You’re bound to find something that can help you level up your lash game! Follow us on Instagram.
In conclusion, there is no miracle solution in order to become faster. The lash extension field requires time in order to offer quality services to your clients. It is normal to take more time in the beginning. The key to success is to focus on making sure you are applying the lashes safely and securely. This will help avoid any problems like stickies, lashes popping off, premature lashes falling out after the set is complete. The more sets you’ll do, the faster you’ll become at applying eyelash extension.